If you want to ensure high-quality, long-lasting results, choose Colour Life Painting. Our Dulux Accredited Painters only use premium quality paints and we always follow the highest standards in our work, backed by a 5-year workmanship warranty.
Residential and commercial painters Kings Langley
We always ensure quality in the following:
- Interior and exterior house painting (an additional layer of protection for your home exterior)
- Residential painting (instantly enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal and value)
- Strata painting (strata residential estates, town house complexes, unit complexes, apartment complexes, clubhouse and common areas)
- Commercial painting (form the right impression for your office, business or profession)
We ensure quality by doing the following:
- Thorough site and surface preparation
- Proper paint application and use of modern techniques
- Detailed quality inspections
First, we inspect the site and surfaces for imperfections and other potential issues. We also take note of the old coating and the type of surface (this is important for proper paint selection and paint adhesion).
Second, we use proper methods in applying the paint and finishes. We only use premium quality paints and take extra care during the work to avoid making a mess inside or outside the premises.
Third, we carry out detailed quality inspections to ensure everything is perfect. We don’t want a small imperfect spot to ruin our work. We want every detail to show our commitment to perfection and excellence.
Why choose Colour Life Painting
Customers often choose us because:
- We offer a 5-year workmanship warranty (for five years the paint won’t peel, flake or blister)
- We are Dulux Accredited Painters (we’ve been selected for our high levels of workmanship and experience)
- We have over 30 years of experience
- We always use low-odour and eco-friendly paints for good indoor air quality
Whether you’re at or somewhere near the Shopping Centre, Endeavour Park Play Ground, Morgan Power Reserve or Scarborough Park, our painting contractors can do the job and ensure high-quality, long-lasting results that match your style and personality or that exactly fit your business requirements.